Mobile Web App Ui Kit For Sketch And Xd
Ticket Booking App
Utair App
Privet dribbblers! Today I present to you redesign concept of Utair application for Android.
Social Network
Facebook / Twitter / Instagram
__________________ coming soon.
Android Developers: Platform cards
We collaborated with Google to manage and deliver a complete design rethink and overhaul for the vital Android developer resource centre:
A key element of this new look are these multifunctional card components – each representational of their location within the site architecture. These particular cards all contain information and graphics supporting everything to do with the Android Platform.
Skinned screens for a meal/workout tracker app simply titled, TRKR. This mobile application is designed for usability to encourage users to keep up with and continue to use. TRKR keeps the user in mind and more importantly focused on their goals by tracking meals and making healthier suggestions to cut the calories.
This was a collaborative whiteboarding session with @[175037:Andrew Cilley]
Design UI of LE
Sports App UEFA Champions
UEFA Champions Heinenken PWA
Banking Hybrid App
Day01 - Simple Minimalistic Products Page
Day02 - Redesign Slack Appstore
Day03 - Gmail Wireframe-Skeleton
Hi All,
Skeleton screens (as splash screens), when used to indicate that a screen is loading, are perceived as being shorter in duration when compared against a blank screen (our control) and a spinner and am in day 3 means its wireframe day so I decided to make this skeleton wireframe.
Your fellow designer
Day05 – Login Screen Design
UI/UX DESIGN | iOS app for interior exterior work | Home page
Uber Works | On-Demand Staffing App
Say hello to the sweet relief that comes from checking things off your to-do list. It is your instant access to reliable and affordable services. Uber works uncomplicates your chores by giving you the help you require for as long you want. There’s no better way to turn your to-do list into an all-done list. Get groceries, drop the kids off, get a waiter to cater your dinner party.