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91 Fintech Modern Icons
**DOWNLOAD LINK** https://creativemarket.com/Flat/3122836-91-Fintech-Modern-Icons?u=KVArts
The modern world is welcoming the fourth iteration of Industrialism with the advent of technology. From IoT, platforms that makes it easier to do anything with a touch of a button, and financial technology. Also called fintech, it is a new, modernized way for people to basically handle their money. Now people can use their fiat currency to do what used to take time in an instant!
Introducing the 91 Fintech Modern Icons to you! These icons can be used to do whatever you want, from inspiration, designs, offline or online marketing, apps, and even websites. For modern icons, look no further! We are sure to have everything you need.
Mobile game splashscreen
Gauri Travel iOS app UI Kit
Gauri is a ui kit high quality pack of 70+ travel app screens which will accelerate and boost your design process and will help you develop an outstanding experience. This kit is created on such way so that all the components are fully customizable. It contains Dark version for iPhone X. All layers are grouped, named and organized.
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For crafting your ideas.
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Android repairs shop
Infinity Keyboard - Motion
Material design sidebar
youtube video intro
Hello sir ;
You need video intro with your logo or your text
for your youtube channel or for you web Site !!
Check it out!
samirorachdi will make this football logo animation for $5 on
#photoservice #modelmayhem
#resourcemag #editor
#photoeditor #retoucher
#photoshop #freelencer
#chicago #newyork #la #beautyretouch
#retouching #professionalretouching
#professionalretoucher #fashion
#retouchingacademy #photo
#promo #product #halloween
#halloweennight #scary #horror
#reaper #logo #intro #phoenix
#adamsaleh #fire #logoreveal
#reveal #PhoenixIntro #logo
#intro #animation #fiverr
#gig #reveal #burn #hot #hell
#football #baseball #baseballlife
#baseballislife #coffee #coffeetime
#americanfootball #youtube #fiverrpromo
#intro #3d #intro3d
#3dintro #intromaker
#makethisintro #makerintro #3dimension
#panzo #panzoid
#intro #youtube #video
#animation #logo #animated
#3d #fiverr #freelencer #freelence
#health #after_effects #photoshop
#design #hd_video #media #reveal
#shareae #vfxdownloader #sexy
#sex #smoke #smoking
#smear #animation #motion
#animatedlogo #logo #reel
#mograph #design #adobe #behance
#motioninspiration #motiongraphics
inverted logo video intro
UI/UX Iteration - Mobile App Design
e-commerce illustration
Z Energy Robot Character
Exploration | Checkout UI Design
Vogue - instagram puzzle
Al Ansari Exchange Banner
Simple Sign In Form Concept
Exploration design creating simple and clean sign in form design for mobile app.
Press L if you LIKE it :D
We are Agensip, a creative digital agency focusing on UI and UX stuff. Kindly visit our website at www.agensip.com to see more detail about us. Never hesitate to contact us via email at agensipmail@gmail.com