Q: Where can I download them?
- Now you can download the first one here: http://bit.ly/W3WhTV
Q: Are all of the mockups free?
- Yes. The whole set of mockups will be royalty free for use/modify in personal and commercial projects.
- Promoting them on your site is absolutely welcome! Remember to credit Vanessa Li (http://vanessa.li/portfolio-items/free-apple-android-mockups/).
- Do not resell.
Q: How many .psd files are includes?
- I'll say... at least 15, or 20? We took 221 photos in total. I'll pick some of them.
- Interested in what's next? Check out the one minute video: https://vimeo.com/104938517 It records the process of making mockups and you can see some raw photos that I haven't converted to editable .psd files from 00:40.
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