Hey there, community 👋👋👋
Last week plus few days I've been working on new material templates for Figma Android Kit. This theme was inspired by recent Google's apps visual improvements, so I decided to create something similar but went out through my own vision of things.
So, here's the new skin for 140 high-quality Android templates more looking like iOS apps instead of classic Android. But as soon as material.io library was upgraded with iOS react components I assumed it's good to have a choice. A choice to start the prototyping right with clear, simple, useful theme full of little UI details. Complex & reflex shadows, thin almost invisible strokes and new shapes for FABs. And it based on Rubik font. And everything rapidly customizable because made of components!
Right now, if you are about to purchase this product - you'll get two themes: Android classic with Roboto font / Material minimal with Rubik font. And I know it's good to have a choice 👈
Careful :) The attachment is tall 😵😵😵
I am officially posting this right now in terms of product page was updated as well: https://setproduct.com/mobilesystem
(will share more about improvements and research later in my Medium blog )
Happy prototyping! 😘